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TRIFECTA Trail Challenge 2021

  • 14 May 2021
  • 11 Jul 2021
  • Any Trails


Registration is closed

2021 TRIFECTA Trail Challenge
May 14th - July 11th

Log miles on your favorite trails or explore new ones, and achieve one of these 3 challenge levels:

  1. Run/Hike Challenge: Run or hike 50 MILES total over 8 weeks on any off-road trails. 
  2. Ride Challenge: Bike or horseback ride 75 MILES total over 8 weeks on any off-road trails.
  3. Family Challenge: Explore 9 trails of any distance over 8 weeks, find 9 scavenger list items out of our list of 14.* Take photos of the items and trails when possible!
Bonus level: TrifECTA! Individuals and family teams are eligible to achieve all 3 levels. One person may achieve all 3, or two members of a family may each complete one of the mileage levels and then the family level as part of the team.

Prizes: Those who achieve any level will receive an ECTA gaitor at the end of the challenge, as well as recognition on our website! TrifECTA achievers, and those who log the most miles in each category, receive an extra prize!

Registration: $10 for non-members, FREE for active ECTA members.
All participants, please register in advance to be eligible for a prize after completing a challenge. If you're not already a member, please consider JOINING ECTA!


  1. Navigate via GPS, record your routes and log your miles using Avenza Maps or another trail app. Take screenshots of your completed routes. When you complete the challenge submit your screenshots (details below). For more information about Avenza Maps on our website click HERE.
  2. Or, use our TrifECTA Trail Challenge log  or the TrifECTA Family Challenge log to record your mileage progress, digitally or printout and hand write. When you complete the challenge submit your results (details below).
  3. Or, download and print maps from our website (maps can be found on most trail pages), mark your routes with dates and times. Take photos of your completed map routes. When you complete the challenge submit your results (details below).

How to SUBMIT your log and qualify for prize:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: No later than Sunday July 11th. All submissions must be received by midnight Sunday July 11th to qualify for prizes and to be included in online results.

When complete, submit (screenshots, photos or logs) by email to: or mail to: ECTA , PO Box 358, Hamilton, MA 01936. Make sure you confirm in your email the challenge type completed (Run, hike, bike, horse, or family).

Family teams: We love photos! When possible photograph the items that you discover. During the challenge, please send us your photos at any time!

*List of items for Family Challenge:
Frog or toad
Salamander or snake
Flowing brook or stream
Pond with lily pads
Pink or yellow wildflower
Animal hole (ground)
Animal hole (tree)

or grasshopper
Warbler - songbird
Squirrel or chipmunk
Hawk or owl

To print this list: CLICK HERE

REMEMBER: As you head out and enjoy the trails please respect the need for social distancing. Check trailheads for signage regarding temporary COVID-19 requirements.

Have fun, everyone!

Thank you to our 2021 Sponsors!

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Click on the logos to check out the websites of our sponsors. 

We couldn't do it without them!

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